Friday, June 27, 2008

A Week Off And No Definite Plans

Summer is in full swing around here, even if it doesn't look like it at the moment (its been raining all day and is currently very windy), but you can still tell its summer. The schools are closed, the grass is greener and everyone is making Canada Day or just general vacation plans. Yours truly included.

After today, I have the next week off. I figured I may as well take some of my holidays now so I can recharge my batteries and enjoy some R&R, which everyone needs now and then. I'm looking forward to it, even though I have nothing in particular planned other than Canada Day celebrations and some fishing. But whatever. There's nothing wrong with that. I'll throw my mind into my writing and come up with fresh new screenplay ideas and storylines. I'll bury my head in a book or two - maybe I'll finally read The Godfather or No Country For Old Men (I keep forgetting those are in my car!). I'll likely take in a new movie or two - Wanted just hit theaters today and that superhero flick Hancock comes out next Wednesday so I may partake in a screening of those. Who knows? Whatever I find myself doing, I'm sure I'll be satisfied.

I am a little disappointed my friend Kyle isn't coming home this weekend, as he has to work tomorrow and Monday. It'll be the first time in six years that The Gang hasn't celebrated our nation's birthday together. Oh well, that's just another thing about getting older - job responsibilities will sometimes get in the way and cramp your plans. It'll be different watching the fireworks without a cigar in one hand and a beer in the other, but that's life, haha.

Speaking of life, I recently sat down and looked through my old high school yearbooks. Sometimes there just isn't anything better to bring a smile to your face than sifting through old memories of old times and old friends. There were so many photos and quotes that brought back so many memories for me, and it makes me think that time flies by way too fast. One day you're getting ready for your high school graduation, and the next you're writing stories on nuclear energy and hob-knobbing with politicians and media personnel. It baffles me sometimes.

For instance, some of the things I love about the yearbooks include:

- Photos of Brock and I as Jay & Silent Bob: I told my fellow grade 10'ers that I would stick to my word and character, and stay silent throughout the entire school day unless asked a question by a teacher in class. I stayed true to that word.
- The "Remember When?" sections
- Our grad photos and captions: I think Kyle's caption summed up our life in high school the best, even if it was a bit confusing to the non-Seinfeld demographic...

Kyle Kemppainen: "These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty!"

The second I read that last week, I thought I was gonna break one of my ribs from laughing. I completely forgot that he had written that. Most people try to write a few footnotes of great memories and wish their fellow classmates well, but leave it to Kyle to blow them all away with six words of pop culture brilliance.........these pretzels are making me friend, I bow down to your photo caption abilities. All I wrote was a couple verses from Pearl Jam's song "Given To Fly". IDIOT!

Guess I'm just feeling a bit "in the past" lately. I tend to do that when summer rolls around because I still get that certain feeling when the end of June comes and school is out, even though I graduated 4 years ago. As time goes on it'll likely fade away but I choose to believe its a good thing to remember your school years. The good, the bad and the in-between.

Anyway, that's it for me. Get out there and enjoy Canada Day on Tuesday. Yes, I know its lame that it fell on a weekday, but suck it up. Celebrate the country's birthday and I'll be back in 10 days! I'm outta here!

Keep 'em laughin',

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