Friday, November 2, 2007

This Isn't an Election, It's a Steel Cage Match!

This coming Wednesday's provincial election is the culmination of weeks and weeks of mud-slinging verbal abuse between Sask Party Leader Brad Wall and Sask NDP Leader Lorne Calvert. As shown in last Tuesday's debate on CTV, Calvert and Wall can't seem to get along and should probably never be kept in the same room together. Sask Liberal Leader David Karwacki, meanwhile, comes off as the little brother who wants to do what his older brothers are doing. While Calvert and Wall fight it out with accusing TV ads and smear campaigns, Karwacki simply takes his message to the voter and asks them to make a choice. Maybe that's the genius of it, maybe it'll be his downfall, I don't know. Personally, I think the Liberals will be lucky if they even get a seat on Wednesday night.

Let's take a critical look at that TV leader debate. First off, why did the producers of this think it was a good idea to put all three men in the same room? What were they going for? A distinguished version of Springer? When someone was able to get six seconds in to talk on his own, one or both of the others threw their 2 cents in and went on a separate rant. Karwacki looked like a well-dressed referee as Wall and Calvert traded verbal fists left and right. Overall, I thought the whole thing came off as unnecessary and childish at times. Don't get me wrong, it was one of the most entertaining things I've seen in awhile, but ultimately it didn't serve as a platform for voters to make up their minds before Election Day.

I'm not sure what's gonna happen on November 7. I'm still not sure on who I'm gonna vote for. I think the best thing for every voter to do is ask themselves, "What Saskatchewan do I want to live in?" Visit the websites, look through each party's respective platforms, and make your choice.

'Til next time,

Keep 'em laughin',

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